Registration for the 2024-2025 year is open and can be found here.
2024-2025 Schedule (all classes are Sunday from 9:30-11am)
Sept. 22, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 8, Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 16, April 6, April 27
What is family catechesis?
Family catechesis model is a modern response to the teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. At a child’s baptism, parents and godparents profess to the Church that they promise to raise the child in the faith. Parents are the first teachers of the faith. St. Priscilla’s family catechesis model provides parents and guardians the tools to keep this promise to the Church while simultaneously enriching the faith of the parents and guardians.
How is the family catechesis model structured?
Families meet in person at St. Priscilla once a month. Children meet with catechists in classrooms while parents and guardians meet with Alyssa (St. Priscilla’s Director of Religious Education) in the Activity Center. The weeks between in person meetings, students are assigned chapters from Augustine Institute’s Word of Life Series (grades 1-6) and Ascension Press’ Chosen (grades 7-8). Parent meeting dates for 2024-2025: Sept. 22, Nov. 17, Jan. 12, March 16, April 27
Sacramental Notes
Resources for parents from the Archdiocese of Detroit: Compass for Parents